Monday, June 17, 2013

My Chalk Family!

Hello "REAL" people, it is Mary-Ann here today to share "My Chalk Family!" layout with you.  Just recently I attended an open house at Eclectic Paperie's new store front location and got my hands dirty with some really cool product.  I felt like that really clean girl in a fancy fluffy dress, not wanting to play in the mud puddle with all her friends.  But, with much encouragement from my mixed media friends, I jumped in....with only one foot!  I enjoyed seeing the creations of others and decided I would buy Gesso.  What?  I am still not sure what it is but I like it.  I tried my hand at what I thought was reaching WAY outside the box, for me!  This is what I started with.

Then I thought that the white Gesso was to stark on my choice of blue paper, so I dug deep and found some old blue embossing powder when I dug out my heat gun to help dry my Gesso.  Maybe that is why I am not hard-core mixed-media, I have not patience when allowing things to dry.  I like instant gratification folks and my heat gun helped.  So did the powder!  LOOK!

After I changed the  Maya Road- You've Been Framed Wood Embellishments with Distress Stain - Pumice Stone, I added Gesso and embossing powder to the bottom.  Which I actually turned on its side.   I added stitching to help hold some of my embellishments in place.  I layered papers, tucked tags and added random chipboard pieces.  I also added the perfect color flair from A Flair For Buttons.

I added some more little touches of My Mind's Eye enamels, Jillibean Soup Sugar Picks and The Twinery - Platinum Shimmer twine.

Here you can see that I changed the Basic Grey - Hipster - Wood Veneer banners with Pumice Stone like before and the word "awesome" with Forest Moss Distress Stain.  I added another flair and a Wendy Vecchi - Blossom Bucket - Red Heart

Ta-da, a Mary-Ann style layout with a mixed media twist!  Thanks for getting a "little" dirty with me!


  1. I love reading about others (besides me) trying things for the first time. I'm fairly new to the whole mixed media thing too. Your layout is wonderful and you mastered the gesso for sure. I love your layering and details. Excellent!

  2. Love, love, love it! You make the best pages, girlie! And I love how you used all those mixed media products...perfection!

  3. Hahaha! I love your post and that you decided to get a little dirty. I'm totally into art journaling, mixed media and cropped with friends over the weekend and encouraged them to "get a little dirty" too. I love what you did with the Gesso and embossing powder. Haven't tried that yet. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. That's what I'm talking about!I love your layouts. They are so inventive and full of wonderful details. Awesome use of gesso and embossing powder, as well as the distress stains. All of the layers, tags and bits make me fun to explore your pages.

  5. Mary Ann,
    Love to read the story behind the creation. I'm fairly new to mixed media myself love that the gesso will work with embossing powder. Your layout is perfection with all the details.

  6. You go girl...Love how you mixed paper crafting with gesso and embossing powder....NOW that's REAL mixed media :-)
    LOVE it!!!!
    Going through my stash to dig up some embossing powders thanks for the inspiration :-)

  7. This came out so great! I love that you added mixed media products with your style - it looks fabulous!!! Go Mary Ann! :)

  8. Beautiful layout Mary Ann and from one impatient girl to another, heat tool is never far from my side!!

    Big hugs
