Thursday, July 18, 2013

Get Altered Challenge Winner

Just a very quick post today as we're away on vacation this week and I don't want to miss a single minute of relaxation!!  But I couldn't miss announcing the winner of our last Get Altered Challenge, which was to create a layout.  I loved everyone's projects...I always do...everyone's work is so beautiful and the combination of mixed media products and favorite photos was delightful!  I'm excited to announce the challenge winner is...
Carole created an amazing keepsake for the newest member of her family.  I was really touched by her story and by her stunning many lovely pieces brought together to create her piece.  Thanks so much to Carole and everyone who participated in the challenge!  Carole, please email me at to claim your prize!


  1. I am thrilled and excited that my layout was chosen. What a beautiful feeling it is to know that the love I put into Isabella's project came through. Thank you all so much. Carole xox

  2. Wow! Look at all those gorgeous flowers!
