Thursday, March 21, 2013

Get Altered (Fabric) - Winner!

Wow!!  How did everyone enjoy the fabric challenge?  Wasn't that a boatload of fun!  And I am continuely amazed at how many stunning projects we have submitted for the challenges.  If you have the time, please take a few minutes to visit the blogs of those that participate in the will not be disappointed!  Beautiful artwork and so much inspiration are found with each and every submission.  Thank you all so much for playing along; it is a delight to have you share your work with us!

This week was yet another difficult decision...but a winner had to be selected and it was:

Laura Bomber

Congratulations, Laura, you've just won a $15.00 gift certificate to eclectic Paperie!  Please contact me at for prize details.

One of the things I loved about Laura's bag is that she combined her talent for painting (yup, that's free hand!) with stencils, stamps, and ink.  Great work!


  1. Woo hoo Laura - congratulations on your win!

  2. Congrats! I remember that fantastic bag. Well deserved win! It was beautiful.

  3. Congrats on yur win Laura well deserved! Trace x hugs x

  4. Well done Laura, a fantastic make x

  5. Way to go Laura!! You are seriously on a well deserved winning streak! Hugs, Jenny x

  6. WOW!!! Thanks so much for picking my cotton bag as the winner! Everybody made such wonderful things - It was all very inspiring! Much love from Laura xxxxxxxx

  7. Congratulations Laura! Your bag is gorgeous!

  8. Woohooo Congratulations Laura, it was stunning!!
