Monday, October 22, 2007

eclectic Paperie Shipping Update: Fire alert

As you watch the news tonight, you see that SoCal is on fire. Foothill Ranch happens to be the home of eclectic Paperie so when they refer to the Irvine/Santiago Fires....that would be where we are at. The air is thick with smoke and embers are raining everywhere. With the air quality as poor as it is and my kids freaking out at as they look outside the windows to see the bellowing smoke, I have to prepare to evacuate voluntarily for our sanity. The firefighters are doing a great job up here and the neighborhoods are all working together. The flames have come as close to 50 feet to homes yet not one house has been touched by these fires and hope none will. We all are prepared for living in a high fire zone but it is definitely scary and things can change very fast.

Shipping and processing of orders will have to cease for another day or two as the winds are expected to still linger within the next couple of days. The air quality is so poor that you can smell the smoke and fires inside the house. I will try to do my best to get out what I can given the circumstances. You have already been so patient with me.

My family and I appreciate all your calls, emails, and prayers. It has touched my heart knowing that the stamping/scrapbook community is so giving and unselfish in times of a personal crisis.

God Bless,


  1. Hi Daisy! I think you shouldnt worry about the orders right now! I dont think anyone will mind. The fires are pretty serious, and you need to relax and be calm with your kiddos!!
    Take care! Hugs!

  2. please stay safe. evacuate as necessary and my goodness shipping and stamps are not of major concern. please take care of you and the family.

  3. Dear Daisy ...
    I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers & on my heart. Orders can wait ... we want all of you to be safe. That's THE MOST IMPORTANT thought for now. Please call if I can be of help ... seriously. ****Hugggs***** Tex

  4. Daisy, you take care of you and your family. Everything else can wait! Praying for you guys!!

  5. Wow, how frightening! Just keep you and your family safe. Everything else can be taken care of later! We're all praying for you!


  6. Oh Daisy...please stay safe. This morning on the radio in CO they said that there were embers blowing by the high winds about the size of shoe boxes. Stamps and paper can wait....


  7. Daisy, you & yours are in my thoughts and prayers. . . stay safe, my friend! ((((hugs))))

  8. Oh gosh, how scary. Who cares about the orders right now? Just do what you need to do in order to keep you and your family safe. Pack up your water, food, blankets, fur babies if you have any, and be ready to run out the door if necessary. Please keep in touch as you can and let us know how it's going.

  9. Stay safe and I will pray for you and yours. Susan

  10. oh my goodness! i didn't realize ya'll were so close! stay safe and keep those children snuggled tightly to you! how scary for them. PLEASE evacuate and don't worry about the orders that are pending. we will be praying...

  11. Thanks for the update. Stay safe, and I will continue to pray for the winds to die down, and perhaps some rain! Big hugs!

  12. Please be safe! Safety ALWAYS comes first! I know all too well what living through "fires" is like as I went through that 4 years ago here in Canada. It is frightening and I can imagine that your kiddos are especially worried ((HUGS)) and prayers coming your way.

  13. Daisy!! The orders and shipping and all that kind of stuff can wait!! All that is important right now is you and yours safety. I am placing an order today and I don't care when it gets shipped, girl. Hold your family close and STAY SAFE!!

  14. Daisy.. Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.. I'm praying for rain. Stay safe .. that's what is most important.

  15. Just keep you and your family safe. Hope everything will be okay!

  16. Daisy, how frightening please know you are my thoughts and prayers.

  17. Goodness, Daisy -- you all stay safe and don't even thing about work right now. You & your family are in my prayers!

  18. please take care of yourself and your family. Wishing you all the best, and that Mother Nature sends you some well deserved RAIN!

  19. I am sure your loyal customers and friends are more concerned with your safety than our crafting needs. Take care of yourself and family knowing that the business can wait.

  20. Don't worry about anything but keeping you and your family safe. I'm keeping you, your family, and all of the fire victims in my thoughts and prayers.
    I, too, live in Southern California, and it's a very scary time.

  21. Doing a rain dance for you all out there! My thoughts and prayers are with you, my fingers and toes are crossed... anything else you need, just let me know!

    So, are you going to scrapbook this (mis)adventure? Inquiring minds want to know!


  22. Please stay safe, and don't worry about any of us!!! It is just awful, what's happening in SoCal, and my heart goes out to everyone. My husband is actually in SanDiego at a conference; he's coming home today. He said the fires are just unreal...God bless you as you and your family go thru this difficult time. Please let us know if there's any way we can help!

  23. Oh my god Daisy stuff the orders your and yours are more important stay safe....

  24. Paper can wait, you and your family can't. Pack up your valuables and go somewhere safe. Today the winds have calmed down today (at least here in Chino Hills) so hopefully they can get a better hold on these fires.

