Thursday, February 8, 2007

Dreamkutz & Bind-It-All

So on the last day of CHA, I remembered that we needed to go over to see what the buzz was about. Why were all these people rolling around cute and colorful suitcases? What did they buy to get it? Where did they get it? Well, the rolling suitcases were just a great way to talk about Zutter and their two new systems called Bind-It-All and DreamKuts.

The Bind-It-All is a portable binding maching that can go through chipboard, CDs, and even plastic credit cards. It needs no electricity and is small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. When you are ready to bind, you simply choose your spirals and push the handle down to crimp. The gal at their booth showed me a very cute mini scrapbook that had a CD for it's covers. Oh the possibilities!

Now the DreamKuts machine is like the "workshop/swap helper" that you always wanted. First, it's also portable, needs no electricity, and is self-sharpening. You can insert a 12x12 piece of cardstock and cut it into perfect pieces. You can have all these combinations so that you can put one piece of cardstock in and come out with different size mats. So, it's great for workshop prepartion or swapping because you can create your mat sizes; keep inserting cardstock; and then you'll have the same, uniform size mats with every crank. For example, if you are big ATC fan, you can cut all the ATC mats all at once.

Bind-It-All = $59.99
DreamKuts = $89.99
Email to pre-order yours now.

1 comment:

  1. SERIOUS?????? (Shrieking!) OMG!!!! I never made it to their booth, and now you're givin' me heart palpitations . . . WOW!!!
